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Valentine Prediction Race

February 9 @ 10:00 am

COURSE: The course will be at least three miles but no more than five miles.

PREMIUM: A red long-sleeved moisture wicking shirt

Shirts will be guaranteed to runners & walkers who register by the deadline

Day-of-race registration and packet pickup will take place beginning at 8:30 a.m. in the Pavilion at Pleasant Ridge Park.

AWARDS: This is a time-prediction run. You will be asked to predict your pace-per-mile, running or walking, based on the road and weather conditions that morning, and we will calculate your predicted finishing time. Those participants closest to their predicted pace will receive their choice from a delicious selection of chocolate and candy awards. You must be present when the awards are announced to choose your own award! Walkers are welcome. For the sake of fairness, you are asked to refrain from wearing watches or other timing and pacing devices.

Note the change from past years – there will be a limit of 10 awards or 25% of pre-registrations, whichever is greater.  (If 60 people register, 15 awards, and so on).

NOTE: The race will take place as scheduled regardless of the weather, with one exception: the race may be postponed or cancelled altogether if called for by emergency officials for any reason. Since this is always a possibility in the winter, check the ERC website on the morning of the race if you have any doubt about the race being held.

POST-RACE REFRESHMENTS:  There will be refreshments available following the race in the Pavilion.  Be ready to hang around the fire after the race – we have it for several hours.

SPONSORS: the Erie Runners Club.

Volunteers needed:  (Volunteer signup on registration site) – Click here to volunteer!





February 9
10:00 am
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Erie Runners Club
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Pleasant Ridge Park
8271 Barker Road
Fairview, PA 16415 United States
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