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Erie Runners Club The Erie Runners Club

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Poker Run

120 People showed up for the annual Poker Run/Walk. Overall Winners in the run were Rick Hardesty and Fiona Branton. In the walk, Jim Bell and Sally Bedow once again took top honors. Full results may be viewed here.

Race for Virginia

It's not often that we feature upcoming races here. This one is an exception. Read about it here.

Franklin Tune Up Race

On the 27th of March, there was a little 5k down in Franklin. Results from this Tune Up race can be found here

Great Race

Is the Great Race Back? Inquiring Runners want to know. But it sure looks pretty good. Thanks to Carl Williams for sending This article.

Cooks Forest Half

Congratulations to local runners in out of town races. In the Cooks Forest Half, we had:
Tim Ryan 1:34:21
Chris Schultz, 1:36:15
Jim Lang, 1:36:24
Shawn O'Brien, 1:39:24
60 5 Gregory Oldach, 50, Waterford, PA 1:39:26 7:35 Eric Witkowski, 1:39:33
Maribeth Vavreck, 1:40:41
Andrew Lawlor, 1:47:07
Mark Hatheway, 1:49:00
Terry McAndrew, 1:51:49
Chad Jantzi, 1:53:26
Amanda Jantzi, 1:58:49
Jennifer Correll, 2:00:41
Anita Parker, 2:02:40
Dave Obringer, 2:03:38
Cheryl McChesney, 2:08:35
Judd Dawson, 2:27:29
We also had a slew of folks in the 5k. Results may be found here.

Around the Bay updated

Congratulations to local runners in out-of-town races. On the 28th of March, some of our runners went to Hamilton for the Around-the-Bay 30k.
Jim Lang 2:20:55 (30k)
David Buckner 3:00:52 (30k)
Joan Kramzer 3:06:44 (30k)
Mary Buckner 31:54 (5k)
Jen Ellenberger 33:01 (5k)

New Look

We're trying for a new look. We hope that this is a little more readable. More changes will be coming down the pike. If you have any comments, send them to Jim Lang

Winter Series

Did you know there was a winter series this year? Neither did I. But I found the info, put it together, and it's available here.

Marathons Everywhere

Ken Young and The Association of Road Racing Statisticians have put together a site listing runners, records, and races. They list their winners and how long the races have been running. As it happens, the Erie Marathon (in it's various flavors) has been running for 30 years (2004 will be #31) and is the 93rd longest running marathon in the country. They have a fascinating site here.

St Pat's 10k

Thanks to all who came out on a chilly March day for a little fun on the run. Josh Loren won the Men's 10k with an awesome time of 34:40, while Fiona Branton wone the Women's 10 in 43:26. In the 5k Walk, Sarah Mrozowski walked to a time of 38:43, and Jim Bell posted a time of 35:29. Full results may be viewed here. For pictures, check out (if that doesn't work, try this. When asked for the email address, put in and see what a great job Heather did tracking our race.

This one's for the ladies

Fast Tracks Running Club -- Membership is for women but men are welcome to join as associate members. Located in Valley Forge, PA, their web site is here.


Coming Up

Erie Marathon

Online Registration has begun for the Marathon, and paper apps are on the way. For information and apps, click here. Did you know we're the 93rd oldest marathon in the country? We are. See the list of past winners here. If you have preregistered, you should check our Preregistration List.

Law Day 5k

On the 1st of May. App available here. If you have preregistered, you should check our Preregistration List.

Run Around Erie

On the 16th of May. App available here. Also, check out their website at


If every member were to volunteer at one race per year, we would never be short of volunteers. Have you hugged a race lately?

Speed Workouts

Fred Beckwith, a man who knows something about going fast, is holding speed workouts on Tuesday evenings at McDowell High School Track. Warm-up starts at 5:30, speed starts at 6:00. If the track is occupied (those darn kids), a group run is held instead. All abilities welcome. For more information, call Fred Beckwith at (814)825-0721


Marathon Course
Marathon Map w/ Course (BIG)
Marathon Map w/ Course (800x600)
Hamot 10k Map w/ Course (1024x768)

Picture Pages

Picture pages are back. We don't have enough space for all the pictures and our apps as well. We do have items available at When you get there, enter the ERC info address,

Correction: We have some picture pages now. Check:
How about the Half Marathon on July 21st??? It can be found here.

Thanks to Heather Cass we have a selection of photos from the marathon. It can be found here.

Turkey Trot Pictures

Thanks to Heather Cass, we have some pictures from the Turkey Trot. See the slideshow here.